Communication and Media Studies

    CMS @ WAC
    Communication and Media Studies (CMS) prepares students to become discerning media producers and consumers, critical thinkers, confident speakers, skilled writers, and creative storytellers.

    CMS is a highly interdisciplinary, versitle, and flexible program. In addition to courses offered in CMS students have the option to take courses from thirteen other programs and departments on campus, allowing  students to study a wide range of topics and develop critical academic and professional skills including:

    CMS Skills

    The knowledge, understanding, and skills that students acquire in CMS transform them into highly valued leaders and contributors in wide variety of industries: grassroots organizations, global media companies, political offices, legal professions, journalism, education, and everything in-between.

    Explore CMS Student Research  & Creative Work




    “I loved Contemporary Popular Film and Television. It introduced me to film and TV as an industry and some of its inner workings. This class was the reason I decided to study communications, specifically film studies.”

    Hannah Sauer, CMS Class of 2020




    portrait of Holly Ruvo '22

    Holly Ruvo

    Class of 2022 • South Orange, New Jersey
    Read Holly's Story
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